Graduate students are always encouraged to apply to conduct their research at our partner facility, the T.R.E.E.S Research Centre. Preference will be given to those students wishing to conduct hands-on research projects in the following areas: wildlife ecology and botany, natural resource conservation, GIS mapping, soils science, organic agriculture, landscape architecture, and sustainable community development. Ecorana is especially concerned about promoting research that is in keeping with locally relevant biological conservation and cultural issues.
We will work with graduate students to ensure information sharing between relevant stakeholders to promote applicability of conservation-based research within Belize. Program duration is at the discretion of the student and their supervisor, although preference will be given to students with field seasons of 6 weeks or more at each time. Please contact us with your CV, proposed project details, and living and working requirements, and we will provide revised pricing and availability.
Students still in the process of undertaking graduate degrees can apply to us with specific techniques and skills that they would like to gain experience on or if they would like our help to facilitate specific research projects. Our current projects available range and depend on certain dates of the year:
*Agricultural and Permaculture projects (year round)
*Area and Land management (year round)
*Bat mist netting (year round)
*Bird Banding (March-May and September- October)
*Turtle tracking and telemetry (year round)
*Amphibian and reptile sampling (year round with best months between February- September)
We are open to assisting interns working on individual chosen projects or providing interns with set projects in order to develop skills interns wish to develop by coming to T.R.E.E.S.
We also have the facilities to accommodate for students who wish to work on projects not specified in the list above depending on project details, interns should contact us with details of desired research project, your CV, and living and working requirements, and we will provide revised pricing and availability.
Both graduate and undergraduate programs are supplied at the basic cost of $120 USD a week to cover accommodation and facility fees, additional prices range depending on research project and requirements.